Best Guided Meditations for Sleep, Stress Relieve and Anxiety
The popularity of meditation is constantly growing and its health benefits cannot be unnoticed. With meditation you can train your mind to redirect thoughts. By mastering meditation you can bring calmness and tranquility to your everyday busy life. You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people meditates because they want to reduce stress and develop concentration. Meditation also helps with insomnia and therefore many people uses guided meditations to fall asleep.
Guided meditations are extremely helpful for beginners. Here we have gathered the best guided meditations for different occasions such as for sleep, stress relieve and anxiety. At the end of this article we have also listed the best and safest guided meditations for kids.
It is scientifically proven that sleep meditation can help fight mild insomnia and other sleep disorders. If you can’t fall asleep, wake consistently at night or suffer from restless sleep patterns, these guided meditations will help calm the mind and relax the body in preparation for sleep.
1. Soaring Sleep a Guided Meditation
Soaring sleep a guided meditation by Jason Stephenson is extremely relaxing. Jasons voice is calm and peaceful; everything you need to fall into deep and soft sleep. Background music is very soft and calm and not too loud. Jason’s voice takes you into places you can only imagine. With this guided meditation you should fall asleep pretty easily. This 52 minutes long guided meditation is perfect for beginners!
2. Guided Sleep Meditation for Insomnia
Guided Sleep Meditation for Insomnia by Lina Grace is professional meditation guide with extremely soothing and calm voice. Lina has an English accent that makes you fall asleep in no time. Lina talks slowly and clearly. Background music is not too loud but very serene. This guided meditation is one hour and one minute long so it gives you more than enough time to fall asleep.
3. Guided Meditation for Restful Sleep
Guided meditation for restful sleep by Bonnie Groessl is very helpful even for people who suffers severe insomnia. Bonnie’s voice is soft and relaxing. She uses very vivid imagery and the meditation is very easy to follow. The calming music along with the guided meditation steps help you to slip into a blissful and peaceful sleep.
Soaring Sleep - Guided Meditation by Jason Stephenson
- Serene background music
- Extremely soothing male voice
- 52:01 minutes
- Amazon Music Unlimited - 30-day free trial of Unlimited
Guided Sleep Meditation for Insomnia by Lina Grace
- Harmonious and sleepy background music
- Calm and clear female voice with English accent
- 1 hour 1 minute
- Amazon Music Unlimited - 30-day free trial of Unlimited
Guided Meditation for Restful Sleep by Bonnie Groessl
- Soothing and smooth background music
- Soft and relaxing female voice with vivid imaginery
- 22:08 minutes / $0,99
- Amazon Music Unlimited - 30-day free trial of Unlimited
Anyone who has ever suffered from mild or severe anxiety knows how crippling it can be. Anxiety disorders are common worldwide and in the US only it is estimated that about 40 million adults have some kind of anxiety disorder. Worldwide approximately 7% of the population sufferes anxiety. You shouldn’t feel like you are the only person in the world who deals with anxiety, because as you can see you’re not alone.
Most crucial step dealing with anxiety is to understand it first. Only when we understand it, we can manage it. By knowing the situations what triggers anxiety and how anxiety operates in us we can understand it better. And this is where meditation comes in. Anxiety is a cognitive state connected to an inability to regulate emotions. But research shows that a consistent meditation practice reprograms neural pathways in the brain and, therefore, improves our ability to regulate emotions.
There are many self-help books that helps you to deal with anxiety. The most powerful is Tanya Peterson’s The Mindfulness Workbook for Anxiety. This workbook will change the lives of people struggling with anxiety. In the 8-week solution Peterson provides readers with a lucid understanding of anxiety and foundational mindfulness practices.
Through meditation we think ourselves in situations which causes anxiety. We familiarize ourselves with such thoughts and learn to recognize them, handle them and let them go. By doing this, we learn that thoughts don’t define us and thoughts aren’t real. With this new perspective, we are able to change our relationship with anxiety step by step.
In addition to distressing thoughts, anxiety often causes physical symptoms in our bodies such as pounding or racing heart and shortness of breath, sweating, tremors and twitches, headaches, fatigue and insomnia, upset stomach, frequent urination or diarrhea. Meditation helps you to learn body awareness which teaches us to bring our attention to these physical sensations felt in the moment. This technique involves mentally scanning your body, inch by inch. This method makes us more attuned to what is being experienced physically. In exploring these sensations, you sit with your senses in the same way you sit with your thoughts. This go-to technique can provide a safe place that can be repeatedly accessed whenever anxiety starts to creep in.
Before starting to meditate you could read extremely helpful self-help book about how to calm your anxious mind. This book has brought help to many of us who struggle with anxiety. The book gives powerful and profound approach to overcoming anxiety, fear, and panic. The techniques and practices taught in this book can be very powerful when used properly as described in the book.
If you want to overcome your anxiety you should master with meditation. Meditation is easier when you start it with guided meditations because it is easy and effective way to train your mind. Next we introduce the best guided meditations for anxiety that internet has to offer.
Guided Meditation for Anxiety by Guided Meditation Maestro & Meditative music Guru
This album contains 20 different meditation sessions each about 3-10 minutes long so you can take quick meditation sessions even in busy situations such as at work. Also short meditation sessions are the best option in situations where you start to feel the anxiety kicking in. Most of the sessions have calming nature music in the background which is extremely relaxing; as if you were in the forest listening to birds and the wind. Some of the sessions have only soothing and relaxing meditation music but most of them have guided meditation speaker. The voice of the guide is very calm and it helps you to relax and forget your anxiety.

Stop Your Anxiety and Depression Instantly: Guided Meditation by Zen Mind Hypnotherapy
With this audio book guided meditation you can overcome anxiety, panic attacks, stress, and depression to the point where you will be able to manage your emotion and how you react to things. Narrator has calm tone in her voice and the background music is extremely soothing. Listening length of this guided meditation for anxiety is 1 hour and 10 minutes so you have plenty of time to relax and calm your inner thoughts and anxiety. Try this guided meditation for anxiety for example before exciting presentation to relax your mind.

Guided Meditations for Anxiety: Mindfulness Meditations Scripts for Beginners by Mindfulness Meditations Guru
This guided meditation is very powerful for anxiety, panic and stress. Narrator, Jane, of this guided meditation has very calm and soothing voice. Once you have gone through this self healing session you feel like a newborn.
This meditation is a kindle book audio version which lasts for 23 pages so listening length is 3 hours and 6 minutes. During this time you have enough time to heal yourself reaching deep levels of relaxation and relief and overcome your anxiety. This guided meditation for anxiety is also available in Amazon Audible Audiobook and you can listen it for free if you take Audible trial.
#1 Guided Meditation for Anxiety by Guided Meditation Maestro & Meditative music Guru
- Nature voices in the background
- Extremely soothing and calm narrator voice
- 20 meditation sessions each 3-10 minutes long / $0,89 per session
- Amazon Music Unlimited - 30-day free trial of Unlimited
#2 Stop Your Anxiety and Depression Instantly: Guided Meditation by Zen Mind Hypnotherapy
- Relaxing background music
- Calm and soft female narrator voice
- 1 hour 10 minutes meditation session
- Amazon Audible Audiobook - Free with Audible Trial
#3 Guided Meditations for Anxiety: Mindfulness Meditations Scripts for Beginners by Mindfulness Meditations Guru
- Soothing and smooth background music
- Soft and relaxing female voice with vivid imaginery
- 3 hours and 6 minutes
- Kindle Edition $2,99 / Amazon Audible Audiobook $14,95
Teaching kids to meditate early helps them to live healthy and happy
Anyone who has ever suffered from mild or severe anxiety knows how crippling it can be. Anxiety disorders are common worldwide and in the US only it is estimated that about 40 million adults have some kind of anxiety disorder. Worldwide approximately 7% of the population sufferes anxiety. You shouldn’t feel like you are the only person in the world who deals with anxiety, because as you can see you’re not alone.
Most crucial step dealing with anxiety is to understand it first. Only when we understand it, we can manage it. By knowing the situations what triggers anxiety and how anxiety operates in us we can understand it better. And this is where meditation comes in. Anxiety is a cognitive state connected to an inability to regulate emotions. But research shows that a consistent meditation practice reprograms neural pathways in the brain and, therefore, improves our ability to regulate emotions.
There are many self-help books that helps you to deal with anxiety. The most powerful is Tanya Peterson’s The Mindfulness Workbook for Anxiety. This workbook will change the lives of people struggling with anxiety. In the 8-week solution Peterson provides readers with a lucid understanding of anxiety and foundational mindfulness practices.
Through meditation we think ourselves in situations which causes anxiety. We familiarize ourselves with such thoughts and learn to recognize them, handle them and let them go. By doing this, we learn that thoughts don’t define us and thoughts aren’t real. With this new perspective, we are able to change our relationship with anxiety step by step.
In addition to distressing thoughts, anxiety often causes physical symptoms in our bodies such as pounding or racing heart and shortness of breath, sweating, tremors and twitches, headaches, fatigue and insomnia, upset stomach, frequent urination or diarrhea. Meditation helps you to learn body awareness which teaches us to bring our attention to these physical sensations felt in the moment. This technique involves mentally scanning your body, inch by inch. This method makes us more attuned to what is being experienced physically. In exploring these sensations, you sit with your senses in the same way you sit with your thoughts. This go-to technique can provide a safe place that can be repeatedly accessed whenever anxiety starts to creep in.
Before starting to meditate you could read extremely helpful self-help book about how to calm your anxious mind. This book has brought help to many of us who struggle with anxiety. The book gives powerful and profound approach to overcoming anxiety, fear, and panic. The techniques and practices taught in this book can be very powerful when used properly as described in the book.
If you want to overcome your anxiety you should master with meditation. Meditation is easier when you start it with guided meditations because it is easy and effective way to train your mind. Next we introduce the best guided meditations for anxiety that internet has to offer.
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Find your inner peace with your own mini zen garden, also known as desktop zen garden. If you are stressed in your everyday life, you can make a tiny trip to Japan and escape distracting noises and thoughts by meditating with mini zen garden …